The Biggest “Fan” of CTE

OTC Community Coordinator, Robin Oliver, was spreading the CAREER button spirit all across Central Florida recently!

You may not know this, but Robin actually came up with the idea for the “OTC Fans” that we use all over town. Here’s what she’s been up to: Top Left-at the table with Representative Carlos Guillermo-49th District, joined by the Career Services Team at a recent conference. Bottom Left/Middle-OTC and Valencia College Tech Express advisors at the latest FCAN (Florida College Access Network) Summit. Bottom Right-Daniel Barkowitz of Valencia College, Assistant VP for Financial Aid & Veterans Affairs, displaying the green button in support of the FCAN student panel. Top Right-OTC info session at ALCO (Adult Learning Center Osceola) with adult general education students in Osceola County. Spreading the word from county to county-it’s a beautiful thing! She is the biggest “FAN” of CTE that I know!