Orange Technical College
Retired Educators Foundation of Orange County Florida 2021-2022 Student Award Presentations
Story submitted by Teriann Wright Orange Technical College Campuses welcomed the Retired Educators Foundation of Orange County, Florida, to present student scholarship awards virtually on 8/24/2021 and 8/25/2021 for the…
How Getting Your GED Can Help Your Career
Although the high school graduation rate in Florida has increased from 59.2% to 90.0% between 2003-2004 and 2019-2020[1], some students still need to leave school before earning their diplomas. If…
5 Reasons to Get an HVAC License
In a warm and humid state such as Florida, HVAC technicians play a critical role. They work on the air conditioning systems that keep homes and buildings comfortable throughout the…
SkillsUSA Competition Results
Congratulations to all the winners! Residential & Commercial Appliance Technology (College) Gold – Andrew Morell, Robert Morgan Educational Ctr & Technical College Silver – Mirleur Polynice, Orange Technical College –…
Is an Apprenticeship Right for You?
What Is an Apprenticeship? When you hear the word “apprentice,” what comes to mind? You might picture a person working for a blacksmith back in the 19th century or Mickey…
Start a Career in Healthcare Without a Degree
5 Healthcare Careers That Don’t Require a College Degree The road to becoming a doctor is a long one. After completing a four-year undergraduate degree, most doctors-in-training complete four years…
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